Didsbury, School Lane

CLEINT: Kamani Property Group

SERVICE: Geo-Environmental

A small residential development was proposed by Kamani with up to 6 plots including private gardens and soft landscaping. Brownfield land site with previous phases of development identified and contaminative land use identified in the local area within the Phase I Desk Study.

GI included window sample borehole drilling, installed ground gas monitoring wells and subsequent ground gas/water monitoring following the GI. Made Ground was shallow and underlying Glaciofluvial soils were recorded to be of suitable bearing capacity for shallow strip footings.

However, contamination was identified within the Made Ground. Remedial options were presented in a Remediation Strategy and the most cost-effective solution was to propose construction phase watching brief, selection of appropriate potable water pipes and specification of cement. Human health risks were mitigated via clean cover capping system to break a pollutant linkage between the underlying site soils and grown plants and end users.

Westlakes Geo-Environmental team provided the following services and reports for both sites:

Phase I Desk Study, GI, Phase II GI Report (geotechnical and contamination assessment), Post GI Gas and Water Monitoring, Ground Gas Risk Assessment, Remediation Strategy, Verification Sampling and Reports.

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