Alliot House – GI


SERVICE: Geo-Environmental

The site is adjacent to Blackhorse Road Station and lies between Forest Road and Network Rail lines, it comprised a car dealership, garage for repairs, car wash and areas of hardstanding.

Specialist GI services were undertaken to avoid damage to underground services, LUL assets, buried tanks and existing buildings. In some locations, contamination was encountered including asbestos. Additional validation GI was proposed in areas not investigated notably underlying the units and areas of underground tanks and also to include additional ground gas/water monitoring.

Additional shallow GI was undertaken including window sample boreholes and trial pits. These were specifically located to target the underground tanks, car wash interceptor, car show and storage area. A more comprehensive site conceptual model and contamination risk assessment could be undertaken. As the buildings proposed were to be piled, an assessment of contamination with respect to the piling process creating a pathway to natural groundwater under the site. Acoustic monitoring was undertaken and a separate remediation strategy report was produced. The remedial objectives and validation plan included successful removal of the underground tanks with a watching brief inspection and testing, post-demolition of units inspection and testing, appropriate installation of piles, validation of installed ground gas protection measures, validation of imported topsoil/subsoil for landscaped areas.

Westlakes Geo-Environmental team provided the following services and reports for the site:

Phase I Desk Study, GI, Phase II GI Report (geotechnical and contamination assessment), Updated Phase II GI Report, Post GI Gas and Water Monitoring, Acoustic Monitoring, Ground Gas Risk Assessment, Remediation Strategy, Verification Sampling and Reports.

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